Smartcities’, IoT, ‘Smartclouds’, …¿fuzzy words?
Seems that cities/campus/neighbourhoods… should to evolve in a quick way where new technologies have a important role. Some visionary trends talk about technicities/technicampus/technineighbourhoods/…. interconnected places that could work together beyond the Smartcity paradigm. Actually, there is a important chance in innovation for this fields where simulation and prototyping initiatives are on the research projects agenda.
CSUC, as an ICT service provider for high education and research institutions, is participating in some European and national projects boosting DC’s energy efficiency, advanced cloud technologies and hpc services. In this talk we will discover why and how through OpenNebula we are providing a city innovation cloud platform in conjunction with the Barcelona City Council Computing Institute (IMI) for DC4Cities ( European project.
Author Biography
Jordi Guijarro, Operations and Security Manager at CSUC (formerly called CESCA), obtained his Bachelor in Computer Engineering at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and his Bachelor in Systems Technical Engineering at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Infrastructure and systems architect specializing in virtualization, cloud computing and cybersecurity, with more than 15 years of experience in areas related to Computer Systems starting his career as a Systems Technician in the private sector. From 2001 he has worked for UAB Computer Services as a Systems Engineer and subsequently at UOC as an Operations Analyst.
Currently he is responsible for managing a multidisciplinary agile team handling all aspects across the entire ICT infrastructure (Cloud Services, HPC, Data Repositories,..) throughout the Consortium catalogued as a Spanish ICTS (Singular Science and Technology Infrastructure), and guaranteeing its uninterrupted operation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in a efficient way based on output and capacity indicators, guaranteeing confidentiality, data integrity and availability of CSUC’s data as well as all the services offered by the Centre.
In cybersecurity arena he manages CSUC-CSIRT [], a security response team responsible for the ‘Anella Cientifica’ (Catalan R&E network) and CATNIX (Catalunya Neutral Internet eXchange) employing proactive, reactive and value-added security services such as perimeter protection, infrastructure hardening, intrusion/anomaly detection, incident handling, etc.
He also combines his work at CSUC with the participation in european and national projects, and collaborates with UOC as a Consultant on the Master of Free Software.
Specialities: Service Management, ICT Infrastructure architect, Cloud Computing, CyberSecurity